Wednesday, September 30, 2009


We have had a busy couple of weeks. We went to the pumpkin patch and took some cute family pictures. We also had three of my best friends from college visit us and meet Reece. Becky, Tara and Dana it was so great to see you!! Here are some cute pics from the visits and pumpkin patch!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

4 Months

Reece turned 4 months on the 18th and it is hard to believe the big personality he already has developed. He is chatting all the time and is very animated when he plays with his toys. He also had his 4 month doctor appointment today. We had a full visit with measurements, shots and the go ahead to start solid foods when we are ready! He is in the 40th percentile in height and weight and the 90th percentile in head circumference.
I also wanted to recognize that my parents celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary last Tuesday. Here is a picture from dinner. I love you mom and dad and am so proud to be your daughter! You are both amazing!! Congrats on this milestone and to many more!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our Sweet Baby

Our little angel just gets cuter by the day! His new favorite toy is his exersaucer. Every time he gets in it he acts like it is the coolest thing he has ever seen. He loves standing these days. He actually prefers it over sitting. I have a feeling he may be an early walker. He may even surpass crawling, who knows? His other favorite thing to do now is take a bath. Although, he has always enjoyed bathtime, he really likes looking at his hands and feet now.
Reece is coming up on his 4 month appointment where he will get measurements and shots. We also get to start on solid foods! I am very excited about this. What fun we will have!!
I am looking forward to the change of seasons and all the fun fall clothes and shoes! Reece even got his very own MU onesie from my friend Lauren Martin. Hopefully, we have a little MU tiger in the making :)