Tuesday, January 27, 2009

6 Months

6 months down and only 4 to go! Everything is going well and as you can see my belly is growing by the day! I have gained about 10 lbs and my vitals and the baby's heartbeat and growth are right on track so far. I have started experiencing lower back pain and some swelling in my legs, but overall nothing too out of the ordinary. I have the big glucose screening in two weeks, so pray I don't have gestational diabetes.

We have also started preparing the baby room. I know, pretty plain so far, but we have a big plan. My mom painted the walls for us and we just had the floors refinished and stained. Ryan is going to start on the closet and build a custom made closet/shelving system. Baby Lorei is going to have a bigger closet than his parents! What a lucky little guy! The furniture should be delivered sometime in March, so I will send more pictures in March or April with some updates. Stay tuned...

Monday, January 5, 2009

21 Weeks

Well, what can I say but, I've popped! I notice changes everyday now and baby Lorei is already quite active. I started feeling him kick around 18 weeks and now I feel him almost everyday. I am feeling really good and right on track with weight gain. I have gained about 6 pounds. Our next appointment is this Thursday. I will be 22 weeks. Time is flying and I am happy about that!

My mom, sister and good friend Kara helped me register at Babies R Us on Saturday, then mom, Ryan and I registered at Target on Sunday. We also purchased a crib and dresser (http://www.babysdream.com/Products/Ocean/Default.htm). So it was a pretty productive and overwhelming weekend!

The holidays were great and baby Lorei scored so many great gifts! Thanks to all of our wonderful family and friends he will be quite the trendsetter with his fashionable clothes!